Detoxify Your Pantry, One Swap at a Time


A few weeks ago I had so much fun appearing on Arizona’s CBS 5’s morning lifestyle show, “Your Life Arizona” to talk about simple food and ingredient swaps you can make to detoxify your pantry.

One thing I said on the show, and I want to emphasize here, is that detoxifying your pantry isn’t about cutting out all the sweets and things you love.

Trust me, my family still enjoys plenty of treats! 

I’ve just found healthier alternatives to all our favorite foods that have less artificial flavoring, added color dyes, sugar, etc…

And you don’t have to go cold turkey and throw everything in your pantry into the trash, either! You can make simple swaps for alternatives, one product at a time.

Make sure to watch the news segment  to learn about some of my favorite swaps that my whole family (yep, even my young kiddos) absolutely love!

I dive even deeper into detoxing your life and your environment in my new book, Eat to Treat! Visit www.eattotreat.com/book to grab your copy.